
As a club-owner/party-organisation it is always important to take into consideration that your soundsystem is one of the most important subjects when you take your visitors seriously. House-music must be presented in the best way, so the soundsystem must leave no space left for discussion.

Unfortunately we all know this seems to be something of an imaginary world. Well...NOT! With the new soundsystem @ Panama* we experienced last weekend that there's a solution available. Vision Acoustics have produced an excitement for the ear and for the eye. Because with this soundsystem the visitors, as well as the artists, are pleased with all they want! Sizzling ears afterwards are just history as this system is presenting all the different sounds at the right levels during the whole night. Pumping it to the limit and making you happy all night long!

Brothers in the Booth enjoyed their debut underneath this equipment a lot and are looking forward to let your ears and theirs be surprised again with this high-class soundsystem soon!

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